
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Awake and living in the present

Every phase of the cycle of life has its gifts and its challenges. 

Each stage is temporary and ultimately gives way to a new phase.

This is what makes each phase precious: it will never last.
Fully embracing wherever you are in the cycle of life is the very essence to happiness.

Happiness is not a destination but a journey.  

Even when an event seems unfortunate there is always a hidden opportunity to learn, to grow, to evolve.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


To realize how truly blessed we are, we should list all the things for which we are grateful often. (every day if possible)

My gratitude list of the day:

I am grateful to have a beautiful and healthy daughter who makes me laugh every day.

I am grateful for being at home with her every day.

I am grateful for this forced vacation that allows me to spend more time with her and focus on my personal and professional development.

I am grateful to live in Switzerland.

I am grateful to have my six senses working well.

I am grateful for THIS moment.

I am grateful for being alive.

I am grateful to be who I am.

I am grateful for the beautiful people who surround me.

I am grateful to know LOVE.

When we are grateful we release positive energy which attracts positive energy.      

Friday, February 15, 2013

I listened to this song on February 14, 2013 as I browsed through the aisles of a perfume shop:

It touched my heart. It depicts real love.  And I wanted to share it with you.

I stopped celebrating Valentine's day a while ago as I think that love should be shared every day and not just because it's Valentine's day.

However, 2 years ago, on February, 14, 2011, I found out I was pregnant with my beautiful princess, Leilani.  This is the only reason why this day means something to me. 

Saturday, February 9, 2013

A brand new kind of me

I have slowly been changing since I became a mother.  I am becoming more me.  I am less afraid of expressing myself.  I don't know what exactly triggered this but that's not very important.

What is important is me feeling happier and more comfortable.  I am taking more actions to accomplish goals I set for myself.  I am going after what I want and I try to live for me first.  My daughter inspires me to just be and just aim for what makes me happy and just go for it without worrying about it.

I have been feeling changes happening in me, in my life and even when I don't see the change yet I feel it coming.  Whether good or bad is not important.  It's the lesson learnt from the experience that matters the most.  I am growing and I like it.

I was recently fired for the first time in my life.  After almost 4 years with the company.  It was a surprise but a blessing.  I am now home (and will be for the next 2 months or more if I don't find another work opportunity), spending time with my daughter and witnessing her evolution, and it is great.  This is also an opportunity for me to learn more about myself and the path I want to take in my career.  I have this drive/motivation since 2012 to make changes, to follow my heart, my instincts and reach my goals.  And I feel I am on the right path.

I look forward to what the universe has in store for me.  I am very excited and open to receive all the greatness it has reserved for me.

I just wanted to share this with you.  I felt a need to write without thinking about whether people will be interested in reading my thoughts.  I feel that I will post on the blog more often and more on anything that inspires me.  I tried to have specific topics posted on it but rarely felt inspired to write and this could explain why I have not posted anything in a while.

2013 is a new year, with a brand new kind of me and I am ready to seize opportunities.

God bless you all.

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